Centre for Excellence in Analytics
- If you are interested in learning more about Business Analytics and Data Analytics, BCIT has you covered.
Some Projects
Excel Fun has my templates for Excel, because Excel is the program that most people use. These templates are used for mostly teaching.
D2L Exams, a project to explore two different methods of creating many versions of random test questions in D2L Brightspace: using R, and using Respondus. See my blog to learn about Respondus or R/exams
Baby Name selector, an R shiny app that let’s you explore the popularity of baby names. If you want to see the code, it’s available on github.
Student Performance Prediction, in which I use some machine learning techniques to see if I can predict math grades based on demographics. Spoiler: I don’t succeed (and I’ll argue this is a good thing, because anyone from any background can succeed at learning math).
Star Wars vs Star Trek, a team project where we attempted to find a scientific answer to the questions “Does preference for Star Trek over Star Wars increase with geekiness?” Spoiler: It doesn’t. But you can take our survey and read the conclusions and see if you agree. Bonus: If you like reproducibility, you can run the entire analysis through the attached dockerfile.
Cool Packages I contribute to:
ptoolkit, an R package to adjust p-values for multiple comparisons.
p_toolkit, a python module that also adjusts p-values for multiple comparisons.
LufthansaR, an R package that lets you interact with the Lufthansa API and get updated flight information. I recommend installing and running
to fin out whether my favourite Toronto/Vancouver flight is running to schedule. -
aggRviz, an R package to organize and visualize data that is in aggregated form. At present, this is still in development stage, but is due for its first release very soon.
Books, Books, Books!
For a taste of the type of math what I used to work on, here are the slides from a talk I gave in March 2007 on Maximal Divisors Of Certain Quartic Linear Recurrences.
Feel free to check out my Master’s Essay, The Only Quadratic Imaginary Fields With Class Number One Are…
Or, if your tastes run more to Combinatorial Game Theory, you can check out my undergraduate Honours Project, The Game of Geography.
Ever seen me working on a cool looking puzzle that I printed off of the internet? check out Kwon-Tom Loop, and sign up for a free account to print off your own puzzles. Speaking of puzzles, I enjoy lightbulbs as well.
Interested in art? I enjoy painting, particularly copying some of my favourite artists: Van Gogh, Tom Thompson, Ted Harrison, Roy Henry Vickers to name a few. You can check out my work here.
Do you like computer games that are entirely logic based? Check out my favourite game designer, Everett Kaser Software which I have been buying and playing since… Well I don’t remember. I feel like I might have had Sherlock on MS DOS?